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BRISBANE, Australia – Authorities declared a disaster zone Friday along a stretch of some of Australia's most pristine and popular beaches after tons of fuel oil that leaked from a stricken cargo ship blackened the creamy white sand for miles.
The government of northeastern Queensland state denied it had acted too slowly to stop an environmental disaster, and threatened the shipping company with a multimillion-dollar compensation lawsuit.
If you want your cars to be safe I suggest you get a new auto insurance now!! I really know that searching for the best insurance for your vehicle will never be as simple. But I am really telling you that you should try this car insurance portal now. Its specialty is to help inform people of twisted web that is insurance information. The best thing about this one is that it gives consumers the right information about insurances. I am pretty sure that you can easily understand the real purpose of carinsurancerates.com. You can find a lot of new information in the index page of the said site, I love reading all the post provided by this site. Another thing, the site offers low car insurance rate for consumers. We know that a lot of people want to save money, they would even settle for the lowest prices of commodity or even insurance. But this type of insurance is not the typical type of insurance which consumers pay for. So what are you waiting for? Visit the site now. It’s better to purchase insurance for your vehicle because we know that vehicle has been a part of our system, always remember that we can’t avoid accidents. So better to know more about car insurance rates!